Co-Branding como estrategia de internacionalización : evaluación de la intención de compra de Paccari en alianza con una marca extranjera.
The main objective of this research was to propose a predictive model
to assess the purchase intention of a co-branded product between Paccari and
a foreign brand as an internationalization strategy. For this purpose, 478 online
surveys were conducted in the&#x...
Impacto de las certificaciones de comercio justo del café ecuatoriano en la competitividad en los mercados europeos.
Fair trade certifications are essential to maintain the competitiveness of Ecuadorian
coffee in international markets. The study uses a mixed, quantitative and qualitative
methodology to examine its impact on exports. When comparing Ecuador with
Colombia and Peru, a slig...
Optimización de costos en la cadena de suministros de repuestos automotrices : exploración de la importación de embragues desde Perú.
The purchase of cars in Ecuador has increased in recent years, which
has also boosted the demand for spare parts. This has generated a growing
market for acquisition from other countries, such as Peru, where technology
has allowed the development of skills...
Análisis de gestión de control del proceso productivo del negocio avícola en Pronaca usando la metodología Lean.
The objective of this study is to analyze the management of the production process at Pronaca,
specifically for the Mr. Pollo brand, by applying the Lean methodology to optimize operational
efficiency and the KANO model to assess customer satisfaction. This analysis s...
Estrategias para el desarrollo de la empresa de courier “Upper” a través de clúster de logística.
This research analyzes the development of logistics strategies based on the
implementation of logistics clusters as an optimization model for the Ecuadorian
company Upper. Logistics clusters serve as a key tool for improving operational
efficiency, allowing companies in the&#x...
Análisis de datos para la evaluación del rendimiento y optimización de las ventas de carros de marca Peugeot en el Ecuador.
This research work is based on analyzing the performance and optimization of sales of
Peugeot vehicles in Ecuador. After an exhaustive analysis we could notice that
currently here in Ecuador is not given so much importance to artificial intelligence in
Plan de negocios dirigido a la expansión de Naturíssimo en el mercado Europeo.
This study evaluates the feasibility of expanding Naturíssimo into the European
market, leveraging its experience in Ecuador and its entry into the U.S.
Internationalization emerges as a key strategy in response to the economic crisis and
competition in the healthy&...
Impacto de las regulaciones y normativas ecuatorianas en el proceso de importación de bisutería de Importadora CyC.
The main objective of this study was to analyze the impact of
Ecuadorian regulations and policies on the jewelry import process of
Importadora CyC. To this end, Ecuador's tax policy on imports was reviewed,
and it was found that the numerous taxes ...
Análisis de la influencia del Acuerdo Multipartes en las exportaciones del sector camaronero ecuatoriano con destino a España.
Ecuador is a developing country noted for its importance in exports of different
products, especially shrimp, which has been able to diversify in various markets,
managing to penetrate markets that were once difficult, such as Spain, a country that is
Optimización del manejo de stock de materias primas en la empresa TOALCO SAS : un enfoque basado en métodos cuantitativos.
The objective of the research was to determine the financial feasibility
of optimizing raw material stock management in the company TOALCO SAS,
through an approach based on quantitative methods. The problem identified
was the lack of structured control in stock ...
Análisis comparativo de las ventas de vehículos estadounidenses y chinos en el mercado ecuatoriano : factores determinantes.
In Ecuador, population growth and market opening have attracted international
brands, in particular, Chinese brands have entered at an accelerated pace,
benefiting from trade policies that favor exclusively Chinese foreign investment.
These conditions have reduced barriers to ...
Factores determinantes del nivel de fidelización de clientes Sweet and Coffee.
In this research, we measure the factors that influence the loyalty of
Sweet and Coffee customers in the city of Guayaquil. For this approach, we
had 4 key objectives: Evaluate the perception of the quality of products and
service, measure the degree ...
Modelo de aprendizaje automatizado para el cálculo de la prima vehicular y segmentación del consumidor.
This research uses the concepts and algorithms of Machine Learning, Multiple Linear
Regression and K-means, to improve the accuracy in the calculation of vehicle premiums
and the segmentation of their respective clients. Based on this, an Automated Learning model
Implementación de Machine Learning para predicción de costos de camarón hacia China con exportadores de Guayaquil.
Exports are currently a logistical challenge for many companies. Shrimp exporters must
adapt to the new challenges they face and companies that handle these exports are
always facing cost variations in their operations.
These cost increases force companies to raise&...
Estrategias de optimización del control de inventarios para mejorar la eficiencia operativa en la Empresa Corp. Racksa Ecuador S.A.S.
The main goal of our thesis was to figure out whether optimizing inventory control in
the company was feasible. To do this, we analyzed both internal and external factors and
developed a strategic plan. We also conducted a financial analysis with a five-year ...
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