Estrategias de marketing para la comercialización de productos de belleza coreanos en la ciudad de Guayaquil.
This study investigates the profiles of consumers of Korean beauty products in Guayaquil. A total of 398 women were surveyed, and social media platforms and websites of various companies distributing Korean cosmetics were analyzed. The research also highlights the role of K-pop in ...
Estrategias de marketing para la marca de café lojano “Don Gonzalo” en la ciudad de Guayaquil.
Análisis de comportamiento de consumo de servicios odontológicos en la ciudad de Guayaquil.
The objective of this research project was to analyze the consumption behavior of dental services in the city of Guayaquil, which was developed through an exploratory and descriptive research where a survey was applied to 384 clients who go to dental centers and dental profess...
Rediseño integral de la clínica, oficinas y laboratorios de la carrera de odontología UCSG 1.
Rediseño integral de la clínica, oficinas y laboratorios de la carrera de odontología UCSG 2.
This research project is carried out from a psychoanalytic theoretical perspective, aiming to analyze what happens at a subjective level with the transference love of the analysand towards the death of their analyst. For this task, an in-depth bibliographic investigation was conducted o...
Estrategias de marketing aplicadas por las cadenas de mini supermercados.
The essay analyzes the marketing strategies employed by mini supermarket chains in Guayaquil, highlighting their progress, challenges and possibilities in a competitive market. It discusses how these stores have implemented novel tactics to enhance their presence, such as omni-channeling, digitalizati...
Análisis del perfil del consumidor ecuatoriano de restaurantes en el estado de UTHA (EEUU).
The purpose of the research work is to know the profile of the consumer of Ecuadorian gastronomy, in the city of Sandy, which belongs to the state of Utah in the United States. At this point, a great market opportunity is perceived, to make known the gastronomic ...
Estrategias de marketing para la comercialización de sistemas de purificación de aire en la ciudad de Guayaquil.
Covid-19 pandemic marks an important milestone in the industry of air purification systems because people start considering those as a necessity, instead of a luxury. Since that pandemic, people start being aware about how important is to have indoor air quality. In the city o...
Análisis del comportamiento de elección de actividades de entretenimiento en la provincia de Tungurahua.
People's behavior in selecting a place and type of entertainment activity (EA) as part of a tourist activity or outing is based on various internal and external elements. The motivation to engage in AE both indoors and outdoors is considered to affect decisions regarding t...
Estrategias de comunicación para la empresa Mainpro Parts en la ciudad de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas.
This research studies the digital positioning challenges faced by Mainpro Parts, an automotive parts company located in the city of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, and how to improve its presence in digital media. The absence of digital strategies along with competition from the...
Estrategia de marketing para cooperativa de transporte en la provincia del Guayas.
This thesis develops a marketing plan to improve the competitiveness and service quality of transportation cooperatives in the province of Guayas. It analyzes macro and microenvironmental factors, user perception, and the most effective strategies for customer acquisition and retention. Problems ...
Estrategias de marketing para la empresa pinturas unidas en la ciudad de Guayaquil.
This project aims to design and implement a strategic marketing plan for Pinturas Unidas, with the objective of improving its market positioning in Guayaquil and optimizing its commercial strategies. To achieve this, a detailed analysis of the macro and microenvironment was carried out,...
Análisis del comportamiento de compra de computadores portátiles en la ciudad de Guayaquil.
Análisis de las estrategias de marketing sensorial en los supermercados de la ciudad de Guayaquil.
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