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Resultados 11-20 de 24.
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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
feb-2021Using technology-mediated practice for the enhancement of A1 level english grammar accuracy in secondary school students.Hidalgo Dávila, Helda Alicia; Martillo Ochoa, Róssula Amarilis
25-oct-2019Analysis of the effects of visual input on the written production of A1-A2 level students of an EFL classroom at a public higher Education Institution.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Ochoa Gómez, Mary Josefina
4-oct-2020Use of technological resources in the development of listening and speaking skills of EFL Learners in the Third Baccalaureate – Computer Science, at Amarilis Fuentes Alcivar High School.Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Ortiz David, Mónica Ruth
2-may-2018The application of reading strategy instruction and its effects on the pre-professional training of the students of medical sciences at the University of Guayaquil.Vera Asang, Rebeca Isabel; Mera Velásquez, Francisco David
31-ago-2018Design, implementation and testing of a set of task-based strategies to improve EFL reading comprehension skills targeted to A2.2 level students attending a public urban high school.Vera Asang, Rebeca; Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Izquierdo Zamora, Karina Delia; Salvador Pacheco, Bertha Paola
6-ago-2018Enhancing teaching performance through the adaptation of writing tasks in the official textbook for second Baccalaureate Learners at "Nueve de Octubre" secondary school.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; González Sarmiento, Margarita Mariuxi; Luna Lara, Eduardo Marcelo
2018Analysis of the teachers approaches in the development of oral communication skills with third year Baccalaureate students at Mariano Benitez Public School.Arias Segura, Max Antonio; Chicaiza Chicaiza, Rosa María
25-sep-2020Analysis of listening learning strategies and its incidence in listening skill performance in students of second baccalaureate at Unidad Educativa Milagro 2017 - 2018.Jarrin Hunter, Ximena Marita; Zúñiga Navarrete, Mirian Magdalena
ago-2020Analysis of writing skills in students with special needs at third year of Baccalaureate at Amarilis Fuentes Alcívar High school.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Loor Aldás, Marjorie del Rocío
sep-2020Analyses of EFL listening strategies for listening comprehension applied on baccalaureate students at the Dr. Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno Public High School, scholastic period 2018 – 2020.Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Ramirez Morán, Arturo; Aucapiña Sandoval, Sara Esther