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Trabajos de Titulación - Carrera de Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa : [88] Página de inicio de la colección

Trabajos de Titulación de la Carrera de Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 88
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
14-sep-2017Determination of the teaching methodology applied for reading comprehension development of 10th graders at "Cesar Andrade Cordero School".Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Flores Cabrera, Karla Estefanía
14-sep-2017Perception of teachers and students on the use of technology in EFL classes in the ninth grade of the Unidad Educativa Mariscal Sucre : a comparative analysis.De Angelis Soriano, Luigi Efraín; Espinoza Pinzón, Liz Stephanie
14-sep-2017EFL teacher’s methodology and classroom management impact on second baccalaureate students’ academic performance at Unidad Educativa “Mayor Horacio Zurita Bayas”.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Barreto Barzola, Richard Moisés
19-sep-2017Annotated translation of specific chapters of the book "Porqué fui Presidente" by Gustavo Noboa Bejarano.De Abreu Ferreira, José Antonio; Álvarez Henríquez, Desiré Estefanía
17-mar-2017Evaluating the feasibility of the implementation of a multimedia web application called spacedeck for speaking practice purposes for students from levels 1 and 2 at the Language Center at the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil.Jarrín Hunter, Ximena Marita; Kim Kim, Carolina
17-feb-2017Teachers’ expectations and EFL differentiated planning proposal for a 4th grade student with autism.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Falcones Reinoso, Byron Xavier
20-mar-2017Glossary building process based on specialed terminology and matalanguage from the video game "Super Robot Taisen OG : the moon dwellers".De Angelis Soriano, Luigi Efraín; Cevallos Peláez, Alejandro José
21-mar-2017Analysis of the influence of limited knowledge of vocabulary, and affective factors in the development of the speaking competence of EFL 7th graders at Santiago Mayor School of Guayaquil.Del Pozo Díaz, Natasha Cecibel; Minchala Ríos, Mercedes Margot
feb-2017English annotated translation of the academic services offered on the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil’s website as a contribution to the internationalization of the campus.De Abreu Ferreira, José Antonio; Hernández Cruz, María José
20-mar-2017Descriptive study of translator´s skills and competences applicable to subtitling processes for specific training purposes at the school of english language of the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Vizuete Hidalgo, Andrea Mercedes
17-mar-2017Analysis of how a teacher-centered class hinders Interactive communication of second grade students of Colegio Americano de Guayaquil.Del Pozo Díaz, Natasha Cecibel; Mejía Ortega, María Gabriela
20-mar-2017Proposal of a continuing education program for graduate translators aiming to work in the interpretation field.De Angelis Soriano, Luigi Efraín; Vera Zambrano, Karina Alejandra
21-mar-2017Self-esteem levels among students in a mixed ability 10th grade class at Santo Domingo de Guzmán School in Guayaquil.De Angelis Soriano, Luigi Efraín; Tayarani, Zahra
12-sep-2016Contrastive analysis of sterotypical humor found in the characters donkey and burro in the movie shrek (2001). A localized proposal of humor rendering techniques.Enríquez Rivadeneira, Sara Inés; Cotapo Burgos, Edilma Maritza
13-sep-2016Enhancing Students’ Speaking Performance in a TOEFL Course through ICT Tasks at Unidad Educativa Particular Interamericano.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Cantos Sánchez, Lourdes Madelaine
12-sep-2016Dubbing of children TV program "Veo Veo" as a contribution to the strengthening of ecuadorian identity among elementary students of Sir Thomas More Bilingual School.Ordoñez León, Fátima; Herrera Guerra, Miriam Nathaly
13-sep-2016Exploring the use of games and songs in the learning process of an elementary school 7th grade classroom of Liceo Panamericano School in Samborondón.De Angelis Soriano, Luigi Efraín; Vásquez Barros, Mariela; Rivera Espinoza, Solange Cristina
13-sep-2016Program for Developing Reading Comprehension Skills in the Fourth Grade Students with Primary Dyslexia at Harvard High School of Guayaquil.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Terán García, Enrique Rainiero
feb-2015Arts in the USA or Great Britain.Vega Florín, Bismark Oliver
mar-2015Sports in the United Kingdom-Football.Cevallos Saá, Jorge Jimmy
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 88