Comparativa entre planificación tradicional y la planificación desarrollada haciendo uso de la guía del PMBOK, para la gestión de proyectos de construcción de obras civiles.
The development of this research work allowed a comparison between the traditional project management and control methodology versus the methodology suggested by the PMBOK guide, which consists of developing the corresponding plan to manage the project using tools and parameters. Initials su...
El procedimiento en relación a la investigación de datos con reserva para la citación judicial.
In the judicial procedure, there is precedent from the National Court (Former Supreme Court of Justice), the Constitutional Court and in the General Organic Code of Processes, which establishes requirements that the Plaintiff must comply with to comply with the demand in relation t...
Propuesta para la creación de un estudio de barbería y tatuajes con un enfoque artístico.
The purpose of this investment project is to evaluate the viability and profitability of establishing a barbershop and artistic tattoo studio, under the name "Yutho Studio", in the northern sector of the city of Guayaquil. To do so, research was carried out to determine...
Efecto de la salinidad en parámetros morfológicos y nutrientes en savia de peciolo en plantas de sandía roja (Citrullus lanatus) en Guayaquil, prov. del Guayas.
Ecuador, a country recognized for its production of tropical fruits, has identified watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) as a product with great potential both for domestic consumption and for export to non-traditional foreign markets. Although relatively new to the country's export basket, waterme...
Evaluación del efecto de tres soluciones nutritivas en forraje verde hidropónico de avena sativa.
In the investigation, the effect of three nutrient solutions on Hydroponic Green Forage (FVH) of oats (Avena sativa) was evaluated. The project where the experimental work was carried out was the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil in the Faculty of Technical Education for...
Influencia de diferentes fotoperiodos en la estimulación de los botones florales en el cultivo de pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus).
The study examines the influence of different photoperiods on the stimulation of floral buds in pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus), a crop with high economic and nutritional value. Conducted at the Redwvill farm in Guayas, Ecuador, the experiment utilized a completely randomized design with ...
Evaluación de un biocida orgánico a base de ají serrano (Capsicum annuum l.) para el control de la mosca blanca (Bemisia tabaci) en el cultivo de pepino (Cucumis sativus).
This study analyzes an organic biocide made from Serrano chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) as an option to control whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) crops. This insect is an important pest in agriculture due to the damage it causes and its ability to ...
Diagnóstico del nivel de conocimiento de los productores de maíz (Zea mays l.) sobre alternativas orgánicas para el control de gusano cogollero (Spodoptera frugiperda).
Corn represents a historical wealth and identity of the rural region. In the province of Los Ríos, the Ventanas canton is home to the largest amount of land planted with corn in the province, accounting for 42 % of the total provincial area. It should be mentioned...
Efecto de la aplicación de dos inductores florales en el cultivo de sandía (Citrullus lanatus) en la finca experimental universitaria San Isidro, provincia del Guayas.
Ethylene has been established as a crucial hormone in determining floral sex in cucurbits, promoting female flowering and reducing male flowers in species of the family such as cucumber, melon and zucchini; however, these effects are not manifested in watermelon. Recent research suggest...
Arpa vida : corto documental participativo sobre la carrera musical de Julio Poalasíne Julio Poalasín.
Producción del cortometraje “Mártir” experimentando con la técnica de video “found footage” y visual effects.
This document presents a detailed explanation of the production of the short film "Mártir". This project tells the story of Becky, a young woman who uploads entertaining videos as a way of life, facing difficulties due to the lack of growth in her audience. Her ...
Composición de un tema inédito utilizando los recursos musicales del tema “Eventually” del proyecto musical “Tame Impala” del compositor Kevin Parker.
This study aims to compose an original song using the musical resources from
the song Eventually by the Tame Impala project. To achieve this, its harmonic,
melodic, rhythmic, and timbral elements were analyzed and applied to a new
composition within the co...
Análisis comparativo de los recursos rítmicos, melódicos y armónicos de los temas “Bambuco Viejo” de Susana Baca y papá roncón y “Negra” de Pitekus.
The purpose of this thesis is to carry out the transcriptions and comparative analysis of the
rhythmic, melodic and harmonic resources of the songs "Bambuco Viejo" by Susana Baca and
Papá Roncón and "Negra" by Pitekus. The aim is to analyze and...
Composición inedita en formato piano y voz aplicando los recursos melódicos y armónicos del tema “The name of life” del compositor Joe Hisaishi.
The objective of this research work is to determine the melodic and harmonic resources of the
composer Joe Hisaishi used in the theme "The name of life" from the movie "El viaje de chihiro",
the purpose is the creation of an unpublished theme,...
Creación de un arreglo coral para un Andarele tradicional.
The purpose of this research is to create a choral arrangement in SATB format
based on the traditional Afro-Esmeraldeño rhythm andarele, with the aim of
contributing to its dissemination and preservation. The research methodology used is
qualitative in approach and&...
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