Arpa vida : corto documental participativo sobre la carrera musical de Julio Poalasíne Julio Poalasín.
Producción del cortometraje “Mártir” experimentando con la técnica de video “found footage” y visual effects.
This document presents a detailed explanation of the production of the short film "Mártir". This project tells the story of Becky, a young woman who uploads entertaining videos as a way of life, facing difficulties due to the lack of growth in her audience. Her ...
Composición de un tema inédito utilizando los recursos musicales del tema “Eventually” del proyecto musical “Tame Impala” del compositor Kevin Parker.
This study aims to compose an original song using the musical resources from
the song Eventually by the Tame Impala project. To achieve this, its harmonic,
melodic, rhythmic, and timbral elements were analyzed and applied to a new
composition within the co...
Análisis comparativo de los recursos rítmicos, melódicos y armónicos de los temas “Bambuco Viejo” de Susana Baca y papá roncón y “Negra” de Pitekus.
The purpose of this thesis is to carry out the transcriptions and comparative analysis of the
rhythmic, melodic and harmonic resources of the songs "Bambuco Viejo" by Susana Baca and
Papá Roncón and "Negra" by Pitekus. The aim is to analyze and...
Composición inedita en formato piano y voz aplicando los recursos melódicos y armónicos del tema “The name of life” del compositor Joe Hisaishi.
The objective of this research work is to determine the melodic and harmonic resources of the
composer Joe Hisaishi used in the theme "The name of life" from the movie "El viaje de chihiro",
the purpose is the creation of an unpublished theme,...
Creación de un arreglo coral para un Andarele tradicional.
The purpose of this research is to create a choral arrangement in SATB format
based on the traditional Afro-Esmeraldeño rhythm andarele, with the aim of
contributing to its dissemination and preservation. The research methodology used is
qualitative in approach and&...
Taller de iniciación al estudio de la guitarra eléctrica dirigido a guitarristas de la parroquia José Luis Tamayo del cantón Salinas.
The purpose of this work is to develop an introductory workshop to the study of the
electric guitar, aimed at guitarists from the Jose Luis Tamayo parish, with theorical
and audiovisual material. The content of the workshop addresses basic musical
Composición de un tema en flamenco fusión basado en los recursos armónicos, melódicos y rítmicos de los temas : “Di mi nombre” de Rosalía y “Válgame Dios” de Niña Pastori.
The purpose of this research project is to create a composition of an unpublished theme in
flamenco fusion, based on the harmonic, melodic and rhythmic resources of the themes: “Di
mi nombre” by Rosalía and “Válgame Dios” by Niña Pastori. In this degree proj...
Creación de una composición musical para el primer Opening del Anime Fullmetal Alchimist.
Composición de un tema inédito para guitarra y voz en género bossa nova utilizando los recursos musicales de los temas "Águas de Março" y "Brigas nunca mais" de Antonio Jobim.
This study aims to create an original composition for guitar and voice, inspired by the musical
resources found in the songs “Águas de março” and “Brigas nunca mais” by Antonio Carlos
Jobim. The research focuses on analyzing and applying melodic, harmonic, and rh...
Plan de negocio para la creación de un espacio coworking con diseño ecológico para emprendedores y profesionales en la ciudad de Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Healthy Work Space is a business model that seeks to strengthen an entrepreneurial
community by uniting the development of the economic growth of the Ecuadorian country and at
the same time contributes to the protection of the environment by providing a service of work&...
Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una ecocafetería de productos orgánicos en Latacunga.
The objective of this degree work is to study the feasibility of implementing an
eco-cafeteria with organic products in the city of Latacunga, which has the name
“Essence of Victoria”, for which the relevant research has been carried out to
determine the feasibility....
Propuesta para la creación de una plataforma digital para asesorías personalizadas en procesos de importación dirigida a emprendedores.
This thesis seeks to evaluate the possibility of implementing a digital
platform for individual recommendations on the course of imports aimed at
entrepreneurs in the community of Guayaquil. The objective was to evaluate
the feasibility of creating a digital platform for pe...
Propuesta de creación de una empresa de moda que reduzca la huella de carbono.
The purpose of this research work is to aims to promote the reduction of the
carbon footprint in the textile sector, through a business plan to evaluate the
feasibility of establishing a sustainable fashion company that produces with
organic fiber in the city of...
Propuesta para la creación de una empresa de servicios de camiones eléctricos en la ciudad de Guayaquil.
This thesis proposes the implementation of a delivery service using electric trucks in
the city of Guayaquil, aimed at businesses and individuals seeking more sustainable and
efficient logistics solutions. It focuses on reducing the environmental impact generated by
internal combusti...
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