Propuesta de aprovechamiento de residuos pesqueros en la empresa Empelisa.
Multiple companies in the fishing sector face a high rate of raw material waste, especially tuna, due to inefficient waste utilization practices. The inefficient management of these wastes has a negative impact on the economy, as well as on the environment; however, the production&...
Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de un centro deportivo juvenil de bádminton en la ciudad de Guayaquil.
This study looks to evaluate the feasibility of a youth sports center specializing in badminton in the city of Guayaquil through the growing demand for specialized sports and the current lack of supply in the region. The research encompasses the review of relevant literature a...
Factores que inciden en la elección de un centro de estudios de tercer nivel en estudiantes de la ciudad de Guayaquil.
This study analyzes the factors that influence the choice of universities by students in Guayaquil, with the objective of identifying the most relevant external variables in this process of choice by students. For this research work, a quantitative approach and a deductive method w...
Propuesta de mejora en el sistema de control de inventarios en el área de licores periodo 2024 restaurante de comida típica Mami- T.
The general objective of this work is to develop an administrative improvement plan through the use of daily inventory control in the Mami-T restaurant, in order to increase its profitability in the liquor area. To achieve this, various methodologies were used, such as surveys ...
Análisis de la satisfacción de los clientes en instituciones financieras con respecto a la calidad del servicio en el cantón General Villamil Playas.
The main objective of this research work is to analyze the level of customer satisfaction in financial institutions with respect to the quality of service in the canton General Villamil Playas, for its realization the relevance of theories, concepts and research methodology was hig...
Brecha del conocimiento en la cultura organizacional en empleados de industrial pesquera Santa Priscila S.A.
This research analyzes the knowledge gap in the organizational culture of the employees of Industrial Pesquera Santa Priscila S.A., highlighting its impact on the efficiency and competitiveness of the company. This is how the organizational culture, being a central aspect in knowledge m...
Factores que impulsan la adopción de aplicaciones de compra en los supermercados en la ciudad de Guayaquil. caso de estudio Tipti.
This study is aimed at the analysis of the factors that affect the adoption of shopping applications in supermarkets, taking as a case study the Tipti platform in the city of Guayaquil. The main objective is to identify the variables that affect consumer behavior, such as...
Propuesta de mejora en los procesos administrativos y operativos en la empresa Agua Gallardo.
Determinación del clima laboral en la empresa consorcio STG S.A. y propuesta de mejora para su implementación.
The present study aims to determine the work environment at Consorcio STG S.A. and propose an improvement plan. A mixed research approach was used, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. Structured surveys were conducted via Google Forms with employees from various departments to...
Diseño de propuesta para optimizar la gestión y servicios ofrecidos en el centro de adultos mayores “Hilos de Plata” en el cantón General Villamil Playas.
The objective of this degree work is to Design a proposal to optimize the management and services offered at the ‘Hilos de Plata’ Senior Center, which is a non-profit institution in the Playas canton, where there are a number of elderly people who require the necessary...
Propuesta de optimización la cadena de suministro interna para el tablón S.A.S. para maximizar la eficiencia y reducir costos operativos.
The present investigation has as its general objective to optimize the management of the internal supply chain in El Tablón S.A.S. to improve the efficiency in the delivery of orders to the final customer and reduce operating costs, through the implementation of effective communica...
Estudio de factibilidad para la comercialización de pulpa de guanábana orgánica producida por la asociación de producción tecnificada avanzando al futuro.
The research focused on the commercialization of organic soursop pulp produced by the Asociación de Producción Tecnificada Avanzando al Futuro, for which theoretical contributions were identified in relation to the thematic areas that will be developed in this document as relevant studies...
Factores financieros que inciden en la rentabilidad de las empresas del sector Retail periodo 2023.
The present research work aims to evaluate how the financial factors of liquidity, indebtedness and management influence the profitability of companies in the retail sector in Ecuador during the period 2023, in order to identify and analyze the key elements that impact their financ...
Factores de riesgo laboral que afectan al personal docente de la Unidad Educativa Miguel de Cervantes.
Occupational health in teachers is a topic that is talked about very little, however, there are several factors that could be altering different aspects of their health. In the development of this research, it was possible to identify what types of elements could cause a ...
Análisis del mercado gastronómico para migrantes ecuatorianos en Génova.
This present study aims to analyze the gastronomic market in Genoa, Italy, to identify business opportunities for Ecuadorian migrants, thus promoting the economic development of this community. The methodology used combines qualitative and quantitative approaches. Interviews were conducted with Ecuado...
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