Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) |
sep-2020 | Analyses of EFL listening strategies for listening comprehension applied on baccalaureate students at the Dr. Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno Public High School, scholastic period 2018 – 2020. | Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Ramirez Morán, Arturo; Aucapiña Sandoval, Sara Esther |
15-sep-2020 | Analysis on how colloquial phrases differ in English and Spanish based on David Katan’s Cultural approach to Translation, regarding the books “Memories of My Melancholy Whores” translated by Edith Grossman and “Memorias de mis putas tristes” by Gabriel Garcia Márquez. | Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Lascano Robles, Michelle Alexandra |
13-sep-2016 | Análisis de estrategias digitales aplicadas para la promoción y difusión del Museo Municipal de Guayaquil en jóvenes entre 15 a 18 años de edad, en el año 2016 | Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Merrill Ochoa, Miguel Eduardo |
18-sep-2017 | Análisis del uso de plataformas digitales de lectura académica en la web en los estudiantes de las carreras de la Facultad de Artes y Humanidades. | Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; López Veloz, Irina María |
12-mar-2018 | Annotated translation of the book Caminantes del Sol by Edna Iturralde. | Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Gómez Naranjo, Yolanda Denisse; Miranda Mantilla, Arhym Maité |
17-sep-2018 | A comparision of semantic and communicative approaches to translation based on excerpts taken from the book South America by Frank Carpenter. | Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Cangá Corozo, Ángel David |
12-mar-2018 | Desarrollo de un videojuego educativo como soporte en el proceso de aprendizaje de la escritura para niños con Síndrome de Down. | Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Rivera Mejía, Dennisse Maribel; Martínez Baquerizo, Gabriela Carolina |
10-mar-2021 | Design and functionality of a terminological bank for the rendering process of documents with specialized language. | Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Acosta Reyes, Fátima María |
12-feb-2025 | Development of EFL speaking skills through gamified activities among seventh-grade students at a private school in the city of Durán, scholastic year 2024-2025. | Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Gutiérrez Álava, Ashley Mariela |
5-mar-2021 | The effect of the online educational model in the teaching and learning process of UCSG´s School of English Language, during the Covid-19 outbreak in Semester A-2020. | Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Elizalde Velez, Camila Stephanie |
27-feb-2020 | Effects of storytelling sessions in third-grade students’ English vocabulary acquisition at Unidad Educativa San José Buen Pastor School - Guayaquil, 2019 B Term. | Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Villegas Cadena, Andrea Carolina |
16-may-2018 | Evaluating the implementation and impact of a literature circle among 8th grade students of Unidad Educativa BilingüeTorremar. | De Angelis Soriano, Luigi Efraín; Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Izquierdo Zamora, Karina Delia; Tapia Álvarez, César Vicente |
16-may-2018 | Opportunities for immersion in English Language Learning at the CENID of the Technical University of Babahoyo. | Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Jarrin Hunter, Ximena Marita; Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Dahik Solis, Cecilia Elizabeth; Cáneppa Muñoz, Cecilia Isabel |
15-feb-2023 | Translation of selected chapters from the book Los recuerdos de la iguana: historias del Guayaquil que se fue for providing domestic study material for bilingual high school students. | Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Fernández Quezada, Alejandro Daniel; Wu Li, Sandy Zhixin |
4-oct-2020 | Use of technological resources in the development of listening and speaking skills of EFL Learners in the Third Baccalaureate – Computer Science, at Amarilis Fuentes Alcivar High School. | Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Ortiz David, Mónica Ruth |
20-feb-2025 | Vocabulary and language skills acquisition using translated historical fiction in young learners of english as a foreign language. | Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Nazareno Delgado, Karla Cecilia |