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19-sep-2017Analysis of amateurs and professional translator's renderings using the appraisal method by Coffin & O'Halloran for determining between the two groups.Banchón Jara, Adrián Fabrizio; Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Vera Pino, Jennifer Karina
13-mar-2018Analysis of the effects of intersemiotic translation techniques on the poems from the book el Árbol del Bien y el Mal by Medardo Ángel Silva.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Rodríguez Abad, Indira Nastassja
25-oct-2019Analysis of the effects of visual input on the written production of A1-A2 level students of an EFL classroom at a public higher Education Institution.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Ochoa Gómez, Mary Josefina
2018Analysis of the use of MT among professional translators and translator trainees of the School of English Language at UCSG.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Castro Egas, Susana María
12-mar-2018Annotated translation and subtitling of the documentary "Waste Deep".De Abreu Ferreira, José Antonio; Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Álava Intriago, Yordy Arón
2016Annotated Translation of the Book De una isla y otros seres fantásticos by Ana Catalina Burbano.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Medina Castro, Gustavo José
8-mar-2021Annotated translation of the short story “Cosmic Yo-yo” by Ross Rocklynne.Jarrín Hunter, Ximena Marita; Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Chamba Moreno, Marilin Stefania; Yagual Salinas, Karla Stephanie
18-mar-2019Annotated translation of the “Turismo Alausí” website as a contribution to the popularization of the canton of Alausí.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Bucheli Benalzacar, Emely Denis
17-sep-2018Critica discourse analysis of cultural and rhetorical elements of Trump and Obam's inaugural addresses.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Otoya Soria, Edher Miguel
22-feb-2022Cultural interchangeability in humor translation-adaption : a case study of the sitcom modern family.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Estupiñán Criollo, Nadya Lorena; Suquilanda Garrido, Yuly Kiara
20-mar-2017Descriptive study of translator´s skills and competences applicable to subtitling processes for specific training purposes at the school of english language of the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Vizuete Hidalgo, Andrea Mercedes
31-ago-2018Design, implementation and testing of a set of task-based strategies to improve EFL reading comprehension skills targeted to A2.2 level students attending a public urban high school.Vera Asang, Rebeca; Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Izquierdo Zamora, Karina Delia; Salvador Pacheco, Bertha Paola
19-sep-2017Emotional factors that bear a negative impact on the productivity of a local translator : their origin, contextualization and endurance.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Loor Moreira, Melissa
6-ago-2018Enhancing teaching performance through the adaptation of writing tasks in the official textbook for second Baccalaureate Learners at "Nueve de Octubre" secondary school.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; González Sarmiento, Margarita Mariuxi; Luna Lara, Eduardo Marcelo
nov-2019Factores que inciden en el desarrollo de la habilidad de comunicación escrita (writing) en los estudiantes de inglés del departamento de idiomas de la Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas de la Universidad de Guayaquil.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Izquierdo Zamora, Karina Delia; Guzmán Calderón, Irma; Castro Mera, José Salomón
19-sep-2022Gamifying textbook lessons with phonics for five-year-old learners at Fantasias Infantiles private school.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Lullwitz Zavala, Maria de Lourdes; Wu Wei, Kuan Shin
20-feb-2025Literary awareness of national writers among ecuadorian high school teenagers.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Goya Márquez, María Valentina; Anchaluisa Olaya, Melissa Gabriela
2016Model of Graduate Profile for Translators Aiming to Work in the Video Game Translation Industry.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Chang, Yu Cheng
16-may-2018Opportunities for immersion in English Language Learning at the CENID of the Technical University of Babahoyo.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Jarrin Hunter, Ximena Marita; Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Dahik Solis, Cecilia Elizabeth; Cáneppa Muñoz, Cecilia Isabel
13-sep-2016Program for Developing Reading Comprehension Skills in the Fourth Grade Students with Primary Dyslexia at Harvard High School of Guayaquil.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Terán García, Enrique Rainiero
13-feb-2023Reading comprehension material based on ecuadorian annotated folk tales for high school learners of english as a foreign language.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Valverde Ronquillo, Bryan Alejandro; Piedra Rivera, Tatiana Michelle
13-mar-2018Spanish to english annotated titles of the short film "Malajunta"Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Suárez Díaz, Michelle Stephanía; Véliz Blacio, Jacqueline Jeaneen
18-mar-2019Translation gaps in the rendering of Korean levels of formality into English and Spanish.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Shin, Nara; Guamancela Campoverde, Bryan Peter