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sep-2020Analyses of EFL listening strategies for listening comprehension applied on baccalaureate students at the Dr. Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno Public High School, scholastic period 2018 – 2020.Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Ramirez Morán, Arturo; Aucapiña Sandoval, Sara Esther
18-sep-2018Analysis of the students’ enrollment rate at the School of English and Pedagogy of the Arts and Humanities Faculty.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Acurio Orozco, Juan Andrés; Lozano Alvarado, Carla Isabel
ago-2020Analysis of writing skills in students with special needs at third year of Baccalaureate at Amarilis Fuentes Alcívar High school.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Loor Aldás, Marjorie del Rocío
12-mar-2018Annotated translation of the book Caminantes del Sol by Edna Iturralde.Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Gómez Naranjo, Yolanda Denisse; Miranda Mantilla, Arhym Maité
3-sep-2024Application of critical thinking while reading classical literature among eighth graders in an IB school.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Campoverde Ochoa, Doménica Ivonne; Garzón Ramos, Javier Antonio
28-feb-2020The attitude towards the use of the digital platform “Reading Oceans” and lexicon development among pre-teen EFL level 06 course students at Copei language school – year 2019.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Balladares Flores, Antonio Tomás
14-sep-2017Determination of the teaching methodology applied for reading comprehension development of 10th graders at "Cesar Andrade Cordero School".Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Flores Cabrera, Karla Estefanía
2016EFL Adapted Curriculum and Strategies in Science for the 2nd Elementary Student with Mental Retardation.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Espino Rivadeneira, Joselyn Nichole
14-sep-2017EFL teacher’s methodology and classroom management impact on second baccalaureate students’ academic performance at Unidad Educativa “Mayor Horacio Zurita Bayas”.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Barreto Barzola, Richard Moisés
13-feb-2023EFL teaching-learning approach used for a minimally speaking autistic student at Rosal de los Niños elementary school.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Campaña Mora, Melanie Morelia; Campaña Mora, Nicole Giovanna
18-mar-2019The elements of classroom physical environment that affect the learning process of English as a Foreign Language of 2nd Baccalaureate students from Colegio Fiscal Mixto Ismael Pérez Pazmiño.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Lorentzen Moreira, Maria Gabriela
15-sep-2020Emotional and behavioral disorders in a 6th grader and their implications for EFL teachers on classroom management at Unidad Educativa Santiago Mayor during the first quinmester 2019-2020.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Araujo Zapata, Doménica Soledad
17-may-2018Enhancement of the English for specific purposes methodology applied at an Aviation Military School in Salinas.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Acosta Ramírez, Nadia Roxana; Mora Verdezoto, Mirtha Leonor; Almeida Pacheco, Víctor Alfonso; Gutiérrez Santos, Marisol Edith
13-sep-2016Enhancing Students’ Speaking Performance in a TOEFL Course through ICT Tasks at Unidad Educativa Particular Interamericano.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Cantos Sánchez, Lourdes Madelaine
17-nov-2023Exploration of cognitive special needs at the Faculty of Administration of the University of Guayaquil for the design of a viable EFL teacher training proposal.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Aguilar Echeverría, Elena Patricia
16-may-2018Improving classroom formative assessment through Innovative instruments at Angel Tinoco Ruiz School.Salaberri Ramiro, María Sagrario; Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Alvarado Mejia, María de Lourdes; Montenegro Ordóñez, Lady Marietha
22-jun-2018Inclusive teaching practices for students with special educational needs at Jose Domingo de Santistevan High School.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Vera Asang, Rebeca Isabel; Jarrín Hunter, Ximena Marita; Grijalva Vinueza, Katerin Xiomara
19-sep-2018The influence of vocabulary learning strategies in the development of vocabulary proficiency of sixth graders of Liceo Panamericano School, first quinmester, school year 2018-2019.Del Pozo Diaz, Natasha Cecibel; Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Granja Zambrano, Emily Dayana
18-sep-2018Instructional time impact at an EFL content area course for a student with learning disablities from Unidad Educativa Particular Americus Mundus Novus.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Arias Armijo, Ammy Annabel
13-sep-2021Integration of ludic activities in the 1st baccalaureate EFL virtual class as a motivational strategy during the pandemic Lockdown at San José de Calasanz High School.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Rivadeneria Enríquez, Sara Inés; Barahona Banchón, Galo César; Núñez Merchán, Angy Paulette
17-may-2018Listening and speaking competence in pre-technical English level of students at the Livestock Science Faculty of Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador.Arias Segura, Max Antonio; Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Acosta Ramírez, Nadia Roxana; Varas Giler, Rosa Cecibel; Benítez Luzuriaga, Betsy Patricia
4-sep-2024Literacy Instruction and Self-efficacy in an English as a Foreign Language Learner with Asperger Condition in the Third Grade of a Bilingual School.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Cabrera Quiñonez, Erika Vanessa
28-feb-2020Morphological Awareness for Vocabulary Acquisition among EFL seventh grade learners at Delfos Elementary School in the period of 2019-2020.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Villamar Ramírez, César Alberto
8-mar-2021Online EFL classroom interaction and student engagement during Covid-19 emergency with 2nd grade students.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Pesantes Carrión, Andrea Marcela
18-mar-2019Perceptions students and teachers from modules 7 and modules 8 have towards the textbook english for accounting and administration students at the School of Business Administration of an Ecuadorian Higher Education Institution.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Cevallos Saá, Jorge Jimmy
2016Poor writing skills in 1st and 2nd baccalaureate of María Auxiliadora High School and the e-portfolio to improve writing skills.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Andrade Ramos, Jorge Luis
19-sep-2022Post-covid 19 lockdown effects in EFL 3rd graders early writing skills at an elementary school in Guayaquil.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Mendieta Guamanquishpe, Pablo Andrés; Naranjo Reyes, Lindsay Janeth
13-feb-2023Speaking skills analysis of 5th grade elementary english language students at Unidad Educativa Ab. Jaime Roldós Aguilera in the school year 2022 – 2023.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Preciado Goyes, Dylan Rómulo; Alvarado Romero, Caroley Estefanny
11-oct-2021Students’ attitude towards EFL acquisition in the learning climate of Amarilis Fuentes Alcivar Public High School.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Izquierdo Zamora, Karina Delia; Jarrin Hunter, Ximena Marita; Higuera Salvatierra, Celeste Josefina
18-sep-2017Teacher- Learner rapport on EFL first and second baccalaureate learners’ motivation at Unidad Educativa Mariscal Sucre : A case study.Jarrín Hunter, Ximena Marita; Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Muñoz Fajardo, Andrea Estefanía
17-feb-2017Teachers’ expectations and EFL differentiated planning proposal for a 4th grade student with autism.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Falcones Reinoso, Byron Xavier
29-ago-2019Translation Techniques Applied To Culturemes Of Two Short Stories From The Book ‘‘Los Que Se Van (Gallegos Lara, Gil Gilbert, & Aguilera Malta, 2004).Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Monge Villanueva, Cindy Vanessa