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Trabajos de Titulación - Carrera de Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros - Ingles : [21] Página de inicio de la colección

Trabajos de Titulación de la Carrera de Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros - Ingles

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 21
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4-sep-2024Analysis of the EFL Teaching process, recommended by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education, applied for the development of speaking and listening skill in the language acquisition process of a student with mild mental retardation, at a local bilingual: School in the City of Guayaquil, School Year 2024 – 2025.Hoyos Hernandez, David Eduardo; Salazar Palacio, Karen Nayely; Salcedo Caamaño, Luis Armando
3-sep-2024The Motivational Factor for the Development of Speaking Skills in the EFL Ninth Graders at Luis Fernando Vivero School - Posorja.Jarrín Hunter, Ximena Marita; Rodríguez Suarez, Mayte Henryette
3-sep-2024An Analysis of the Advanced Method Corporation (AMCO) approach to Phonics Instruction in First Grade EFL Education at Santo Domingo De Guzman School.Izquierdo Zamora, Karina Delia; Flores Rengifo, Domenika Gabriela; Larreátegui Castro, Ana Paula
4-sep-2024Annotated Translation of Selected Tales from the Ecuadorian Literature Work "Cuento Popular Andino" for EFL High School Reading Comprehension Activities.Jarrín Hunter, Ximena Marita; Pérez Ventura, Génesis Nicole
3-sep-2024Application of critical thinking while reading classical literature among eighth graders in an IB school.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Campoverde Ochoa, Doménica Ivonne; Garzón Ramos, Javier Antonio
3-sep-2024Translation of the Adapted Version of the Ecuadorian Literature Work “Cumanda” for the Development of EFL Reading Comprehension Skills at A2-B1 for 6th Grade Students.Rivadeneira Enriquez, Sara Inés; Barrera Perlaza, Mikeya Katherine; López Farias, Álvaro Gregorio
14-feb-2024Development of EFL reading comprehension skills by means of a translation of selected stories of the Ecuadorian novel ‘‘Cosas de mi tierra’’ by Jose Antonio Campos.Hoyos Hernandez, David Eduardo; Liang Tan, Carolina Suyan
13-feb-2023Reading comprehension material based on ecuadorian annotated folk tales for high school learners of english as a foreign language.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Valverde Ronquillo, Bryan Alejandro; Piedra Rivera, Tatiana Michelle
14-feb-2023Strategies for the enhancement of the vocabulary acquisition process among 9th graders at Unidad Educativa Fiscal José Vicente Trujillo in the year 2022-2023.Jarrín Hunter, Ximena Marita; Murillo Parrales, Jazmín del Rocío
28-ene-2023Analysis of EFL reading comprehension skills among students of the second baccalaureate at centro de estudios La Moderna in the school year 2022-2023.Ramírez Moran, Arturo Javier; Mosquera Velásquez, Luis Iván
13-feb-2023Components of speaking skills that influence sophomore high school students’ spoken english abilities at Unidad Educativa Particular Santa Ana in the year 2022.Espinoza Pinzón, Liz Stephanie; Méndez Benavides, Karla Adriana; Torres Tapia, Emily Tatiana
14-feb-2023Translation of the literary work “Camino a Yangana” for the development of EFL reading comprehension skills of intermediate level baccalaureate students.Espinoza Pinzón, Liz Stephanie; Garzón Bermeo, Marcela Eduarda; Zelaya Ponce, María Eduarda
15-feb-2023Translation of selected chapters from the book Los recuerdos de la iguana: historias del Guayaquil que se fue for providing domestic study material for bilingual high school students.Hoyos Hernández, David Eduardo; Fernández Quezada, Alejandro Daniel; Wu Li, Sandy Zhixin
15-feb-2023Teaching strategies for reading comprehension development for 10th graders at Unidad Educativa Mariscal Sucre in the scholastic year 2022 – 2023.Jiménez Bilmonte, Alfredo Enrique; Chaguay Acosta, Noan Eugenio; Ramírez Paz, Omar Moisés
13-feb-2023EFL teaching-learning approach used for a minimally speaking autistic student at Rosal de los Niños elementary school.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Campaña Mora, Melanie Morelia; Campaña Mora, Nicole Giovanna
13-feb-2023Speaking skills analysis of 5th grade elementary english language students at Unidad Educativa Ab. Jaime Roldós Aguilera in the school year 2022 – 2023.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Preciado Goyes, Dylan Rómulo; Alvarado Romero, Caroley Estefanny
14-feb-2023Total Physical Response for the development of speaking skills of first graders at Liceo Panamericano Centenario High School 2022-2023.Jiménez Bilmonte, Alfredo Enrique; Álvarez Guerrero, Arantxa Anahí; Aguilera Castañeda, Jocelyne Romina
19-sep-2022Post-covid 19 lockdown effects in EFL 3rd graders early writing skills at an elementary school in Guayaquil.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Mendieta Guamanquishpe, Pablo Andrés; Naranjo Reyes, Lindsay Janeth
19-sep-2022Vocabulary learning strategies for the development of EFL reading skills among 10th graders at Lemas school.Espinoza Pinzón, Liz Stephanie; Proaño Proaño, Robert Andrés; Santana Hungría, Angélica Gabriela
19-sep-2022Gamifying textbook lessons with phonics for five-year-old learners at Fantasias Infantiles private school.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Lullwitz Zavala, Maria de Lourdes; Wu Wei, Kuan Shin
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 21