Propuesta para la mejora de la gestión talento humano en la empresa importadora Vidrialum S.A. de la ciudad de Guayaquil.
The purpose of this thesis is to propose an improvement plan for the management of human talent in the company Importadora Vidrialum S.A. in the city of Guayaquil, in order to increase job satisfaction and the performance of the organization. Through the descriptive methodology...
Development of EFL speaking skills through gamified activities among seventh-grade students at a private school in the city of Durán, scholastic year 2024-2025.
Interaction and communication are fundamental aspects of developing EFL learning. That is why, in this paper, much attention was paid to speaking skills. This project aims to explore how complementary material, applied through gamification, can help overcome learning challenges during the de...
Literary awareness of national writers among ecuadorian high school teenagers.
This paper reports the results of a study made among teenagers regarding local literature awareness in an attempt to put forward a proposal, (developed in English for teaching critical thinking through reading practices), of interactive teaching methods to increasing awareness and appreciati...
Vocabulary and language skills acquisition using translated historical fiction in young learners of english as a foreign language.
The purpose of this research was to integrate Ecuadorian literature in the EFL classroom through the translation of selected chapters of the historical fiction book, Horacio, el ferrocarril y las esterlinas desaparecidas, to be used as instructional material among middle grade students ...
The effect of RAFT strategy on improving EFL descriptive writing skills among 9th-grade EFL students from a non-bilingual private school in Daule.
This study examines the effect of the RAFT (Role, Audience, Format, Topic) strategy on improving EFL content development skills for descriptive writing among 9th-grade EFL students in a non-bilingual private school in Daule. This research employs a pre-experimental one-group pretest and post...
Development of reading skills through phonemic awareness in 5th grade EFL students in Daule.
Phonemic awareness is crucial in reading instruction because it allows students to recognize and manipulate sounds, facilitating word decoding and text comprehension. This research focused on evaluating the development of phonemic awareness to improve the reading skills of 5th-grade EFL students&...
Analyzing listening awareness development through strategies based on basic instructions in a child with autism level 3 at a private school in the north of Guayaquil.
This study investigates the development of listening awareness through strategies based on instructions for an 11-year-old child diagnosed with Level 3 autism in a private school in northern Guayaquil. The present research employed a qualitative methodology and a descriptive approach, utilizing...
The role of assistive technologies in teaching english as a foreign language (EFL) to visually impaired students at Liceo Panamericano in Guayaquil.
This study analyzes the way in which assistive technology supports teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) to a visually impaired student at Liceo Panamericano in Guayaquil. These assistive technologies include various kinds of software, devices and tools that let students with vis...
Gamification of vocabulary lessons for the development of EFL reading skills in a sixth-grade class at “Héroes del Cenepa” public school.
This study explores the impact of gamification on vocabulary lessons to enhance English as a Foreign Language (EFL) reading skills among sixth-grade students at "Héroes del Cenepa" Public School in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative ...
Influencia del liderazgo en la satisfacción laboral de los empleados en una empresa de especialidades médicas en la ciudad de Babahoyo, Ecuador.
En la actualidad, el tema del liderazgo y su impacto en la satisfacción laboral es objeto de análisis y estudio a nivel mundial. En base a lo que señala la OIT (Organización Internacional del trabajo) se determina que cuando un manejo eficiente y un inspirador liderazgo...
El impacto del packaging ecoamigable sobre la intención de compra de productos alimenticios en Guayaquil.
Revisión sistemática y análisis bibliométrico del contrato laboral por horas.
This study presents a systematic review and bibliometric analysis of hourly employment
contracts, aiming to identify research trends on this type of employment across various labor
markets worldwide and explore how future studies can assess its potential impact on the ...
Plan Estratégico para el crecimiento de la ferretería J&Q Tools.
The investigation analyzes the actual state a hardware store in Ecuador of J&Q
Tools, and and proposes strategies for sustainable in a highly competitive market. The
needs of the company are studied by looking at theory and analyzing data. The results
Propuesta para la expansión de un emprendimiento gastronómico familiar en la provincia de Esmeraldas.
The gastronomic sector in the province of Esmeraldas is growing, people are
undertaking and using social networks as a means to attract customers. The objective
of this degree work is to analyze and develop the viability of a proposal for the
Propuesta de mejora del proceso de compra en la empresa Intercommerce.
The main objective of this research is to analyze the current process of the
purchasing department of the Intercommerce company, in order to develop an
improvement proposal to optimize management, reduce costs and increase its
operational efficiency, since it has...
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